![Recipe Book of Lady Ann Fanshawe](http://content.wdl.org/3960/thumbnail/308x255.jpg)
Lady Ann Fanshawe (1625-80) was the wife of Sir Richard Fanshawe (1608-66), a loyal follower of Charles I. The Fanshawes suffered imprisonment and exile following the execution of Charles in 1649 and the establishment of the Commonwealth under Oliver Cromwell. When the monarchy was restored in 1660, Sir Richard was appointed ambassador to Madrid, the first permanent overseas embassy maintained by the Crown. This book originally belonged to Lady Ann and contains medical, culinary, and other recipes. The earliest entries date from 1651 and are in the hand of one Joseph Averie, presumably a clerk acting as Ann Fanshawe's amanuensis. Many are ascribed to “my mother” (Margaret Fanshawe), other members of the extended Fanshawe family, Sir Kenelm Digby, and other individuals. Some of the recipes appear to be in Ann Fanshawe's own hand, and a few are of Spanish origin, dated Madrid, 1664-65. Page three of the book contains the notation: “Mrs: Fanshawes Booke of Receipts of Physickes Salves, Waters, Cordialls, Preserves and Cookery written the eleventh day of December 1651. by Me Joseph Averie.” Many of the later entries were added by Katherine Fanshawe in the early 18th century.