![Untitled Outline in Verse of Islamic Obligations](http://content.wdl.org/14256/thumbnail/616x510.jpg)
This untitled Arabic manuscript is an urjūza (versification) of Muqaddimat Ibn Rushd (Ibn Rushd’s introduction). It is a work on Mālikī Islamic jurisprudence by Ibn Rushd al-Jadd (the grandfather), otherwise known as Abū al-Walīd Muḥammad ibn Aḥmad (circa 1058−circa 1126), not to be confused with his famous grandson, the philosopher Abu al-Walid Ibn Rushd (1126−98). This versification, commonly known as Naẓm muqaddimat Ibn Rushd (The versification of Ibn Rushd’s introduction), is ascribed to ʻAbd al-Rahman ibn ʻAlī al-Ruqʿī al-Fāsī (died in Fez, in present-day Morocco, circa July 2, 1455). The poem describes the duties of the Muslim in accomplishing the fundamental rituals of religion, such as prayer, fasting, alms-giving, pilgrimage, and the procedures for ablution before praying. The prescriptions are detailed. For instance, the stanzas on al-zakat (alms-giving) include the proper portion of profit to be set aside from agriculture and husbandry, with instructions specific to such products as dates, olives, olive oil, cattle, and camels. The sections on al-wudhu’ (ablution) give specifics on the parts of the body to be cleansed and in which order, purity of the water used in washing, and what to do in waterless locations. The poem is 19 pages long and in maghribi (North African) script with simple ornamental borders and topic headings in red. The manuscript is bound with three other works: The Hidden Secrets to Clear Thinking; Fatwa on the Millennium; and Memorandum on the Question Posed by the Jew about Divine Fate.